Sprat-painting by Nanci Fulmek-210415


by Nanci Fulmek

How high is the resolution?

Here is a closeup detail of the high resolution photo of the painting above:

Sprat-painting by-Nanci Fulmek-detail-210415

Nanci Fulmek, Equine & Portrait Artist

Nanci Fulmek is a fine art portrait painter that specializes in horse portraits. Nanci was professionally trained at the Atelier Lack. (Now, the Atelier Studio Program of Fine Art.) She completed the full 5-year program. Nanci also does an incredible job with portraits of people, she painted the official portrait of presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Learn more about Nanci Fulmek

Nanci Fulmek can help you sell your art!

Nanci is teaching an online business class through the Atelier for artists on how to sell their artwork. The Atelier is a true Twin Cities treasure if you want to learn portraiture and classic still life style of painting.

The class for serious art students who want to make a living as an artist. In Nanci’s class students will learn about marketing your art, working with galleries vs. on your own, skills of the self-employed, money management, and more. It’s a 12-week online class.

Paintings I’ve photographed forNanci Fulmek