The Regulars painting by Paul Oxborough

The Regulars 23″ x 31″

by Paul Oxborough

Artist Paul Oxborough is a world-renown oil portrait artist. For instance, his subjects range from casual interiors to portraits including the official portrait of Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton. Additionally both the Scottish & British National Portrait Galleries  have exhibited his works numerous times. His portrait of Chuck Close  won a competition at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery.

The Regulars painting by Paul Oxborough detail

Crop of full size high resolution photo to show detail.

The Regulars painting by Paul Oxborough detail

Crop of full size high resolution photo to show detail.

Paintings I’ve photographed for Paul Oxborough

Paul Oxborough painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - Cafe Window 24x32
Paul Oxborough painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - Old King Cole
Paul Oxborough painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - After Dinner 40x40
Paul Oxborough painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - Berber Tea 30x40