Departing Storm - painting by Hannah Heyer photographed by Mitch Rossow

Departing Storm

by Hannah Heyer

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Departing Storm - painting by Hannah Heyer photographed by Mitch Rossow - detail

Hannah Heyer

Hannah Heyer draws inspiration from her local area in rural southeastern Minnesota. She lives on a farm which has been in her family for six generations.

She’s lived in the rural Midwest her entire life, giving her a unique appreciation of the simple beauty of a landscape that changes with the seasons in both drastic and subtle ways.

Her paintings document the seasonal shifts in southeastern Minnesota and southwestern Wisconsin, an area filled with rolling farmlands, bluffs along the Mississippi River covered in deciduous trees, and big skies.

She is a member of Outdoor Painters of Minnesota and the American Impressionist Society.

“My plein air paintings, done outdoors on location, usually within 2 to 3 hours, attempt to capture the fleeting and changing view of a particular place and time as I see it.

“My studio works, supported by plein air studies, memories, emotion, and imagination, are built up through a lot of time and layers of paint and allow me to work in more detail. In all my work, I try to capture the beauty I see in the simple, everyday blessings, in faces and events, subtle and breathtaking, convinced that, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17)

Learn more about Hannah Heyer

Artwork Photography

Specialized oil painting photography for artists, galleries and collectors. Artwork beautifully reproduced with no glare & accurate color at affordable prices.

Mitch produces high resolution artwork photography for use on websites, social media, email, magazine articles, ads or prints. The images are color corrected with even lighting across the entire surface.

Artist Hannah Heyer

Artist Hannah Heyer