John Wegner painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - Detail of La Vierge Aux Anges after Bouguereau

Detail of La Vierge Aux Anges after Bouguereau

by John Wegner

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Here’s a crop of the original full-size image.

John Wegner painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - Detail of La Vierge Aux Anges after Bouguereau - detail
John Wegner self portrait

Artist John Wegner, self portrait

Artwork Photography for John Wegner

John Wegner is a talented oil painter based in Minneapolis who creates incredibly detailed and beautiful portraits inspired by representational art and poetic realism. With an extensive educational background and a passion for expanding his artistic abilities, John is a dedicated artist with a bright future ahead.

Learn more about John Wegner

Artwork Photography

Specialized oil painting photography for artists, galleries and collectors. Artwork beautifully reproduced with no glare & accurate color at affordable prices.

Mitch produces high resolution artwork photography for use on websites, social media, email, magazine articles, ads or prints. The images are color corrected with even lighting across the entire surface.