Nanci Fulmek painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - Bean


by Nanci Fulmek

How high is the resolution?

Here is a closeup detail of the high resolution photo of the painting above:

Nanci Fulmek painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - Bean - detail

Nanci 50th Birthday Show

Nanci’s 50th Birthday Show

Nanci Fulmek is having a show at the Art Barn, hope to see you there! See the card for the dates and times.

Learn the Business of Art

Nanci is offering a class this fall for those who wish to make a living as a serious artist. She teaches about marketing your art, working with galleries vs. on your own, skills of the self-employed, money management, and more. Learn more here!

Nanci Fulmek, Equine & Portrait Artist

Nanci Fulmek is a fine art portrait painter that specializes in horse portraits. She was professionally trained at the Atelier Lack. (Now, the Atelier Studio Program of Fine Art.) She completed the full 5-year program. Nanci also does an incredible job with portraits of people, she painted the official portrait of presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Learn more about Nanci Fulmek