Sharon Stadther painting photographed by Mitch Rossow - Morning Has Broken

Morning Has Broken

by Sharon Stadther

How high is the resolution?

Here’s a crop of the original full-size image.

Sharon’s work will be showing at Studio Pintura gallery, Northrop King 294 during Art Attack Nov 4-6th 

Sharon Stadther

Sharon Stadther is a Minnesota artist and has been drawing her whole life. Her artistic education started in high school, where she was submerged in all different mediums. With the mentoring and direction of her high school art teacher, she was encouraged to attended the College of Art & Design, Oakland CA.

Sharon also received a Scholarship from the Minneapolis Art Instruction School. She has attended the Atelier Studio, and Paquet Studio in St. Paul, MN. Sharon currently maintains and displays her paintings at the Northrup King building in NE Minneapolis where she is a member of Pintura Studio.
Sharon frequently teaches around the Twin cities & Wisconsin. Her artistic philosophy is based on the strong belief of adhering to the fundamentals of design coupled with the elements of art.  All works of art, abstract or contemporary must possess these fundamental elements to have any lasting success.  The old school techniques she employs in her paintings serve and support her philosophy well.
What Sharon hopes to accomplish is lasting a body of work that is sensitive, beautiful, and dynamic.

Check out the new website I built for Sharon Stadther

Artwork Photography for Sharon Stadther

Specialized oil painting photography for artists, galleries and collectors. Artwork beautifully reproduced with no glare & accurate color at affordable prices.

Mitch produces high resolution artwork photography for use on websites, social media, email, magazine articles, ads or prints. The images are color corrected with even lighting across the entire surface.